“The quickest way to get to know a woman is to go shopping with her.” ~ Marcelene Cox
Here’s a fact: Sale season is the holy month for the devotees of shopping. It is that time of the year where we all leave our worries and tension behind and focus on something more important. “How much discount is that on?” Husbands, boyfriends, children, in-laws, bosses, crushes, and every other loved one become significantly insignificant during our hours of worship.
So before you get completely immersed in the sales frenzy here are some easy breezy pointers to keep in mind while shopping for discounted goodies.
Shopping is therapeutic but sale shopping is an art. It requires patience, finesse and strong will power to make it through a sale day.
Remember, you have to get the BEST out of the sale and not let it get the MOST out of you!

1. Know before you buy More.
The smart thing to do before any sale season is to evaluate your wardrobe. This way you don’t end up buying pieces similar to the ones you already have.
2. Excuse me , are you having a Rebecca Bloomwood moment?
We all have seen how sweet innocent Rebecca was hypnotized by the lure of sale goodies. Honestly, nothing makes you cheat on your budget quite like a 'SALE' sign. Therefore, try and have a target number that you will not cross at any cost. Also, ease up on the plastic, pay as much in cash or use a debit card. This way you end up keeping a better tab of your purchases.
3. Try then Buy.
No matter how long the changing room line is, you MUST try out the stuff you are buying. Also don’t let those red signs make you buy thing you don’t need. If something is too small, too tight or not the right size and down right unflattering then even if its 90% off don’t bother buying it. If they give it to you for free, that’s another story.
4. Quality over Reduced Price.
On any give non-sale day you would not go for a flawed piece, right? If a thread is sticking out or a button hanging lose, most people would no buy such a piece, correct? Same rules should applies on sale goods too. No matter how less the price is, you should never ever compromise on the fit, fabric and finish. Remember the sale motto-“Goods once sold will not be taken back or exchanged”
5. I want it All...NO, Not Really!
Just because the whole mall is on sale, does not mean you need to shop it all. Ideal pick the brands you most want to shop from and then work your way down. If you are lusting for a pair of jeans from brand A start with that and then on. Going to every single shop will not only be tedious but will also bring on major confusion.

[Image via Google]
Are you a complete sale shopper like me? And what is your strategy while shopping during the discounted season? Share your views with me in the comment section.
Till then, tra-la,
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