a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
ok..let it begin..sume mesti nak taukan...kenapa i pst maksud hipokrit tu..ermmm napa ekhuhu
dan apa plak maksud hipokrit?? emm maksud dia dalam bahasa melayu...ialah orang yang berpura-pura...baik ke jahat ke...tak kisah lah...tapi selalunya pretend baik la....dia yang mulia..dia lah yang tak keji....dia lah segalanya...
hahaha...generally...ramai jugak yang pretending baekk punya...tah la...once kita tau..kita macam dah malas...n stop it..kalau muka tak malu..buat la lagi..haha
ok last saturday baruje habis AIM...nanti i will post pic2 baju elyana...
ok i tak tau nak post ape..but i suka satu ayat ni ...but i know the meaning walaupun meaning dia macam2 pemahaman org kita tak tau...maybe dia ada kena mengena dengan perkataan hipokrit dia atas....haha nak tau ayat nya?
haaa so sape2 tau hubungkait antara hipokrit gan celah bedah?? erm hanya saya yang tahu dan orang2 seangkatanya...sape dia?? kenapa dengan dia?? apa terjadi...biarlah rahsia...huhu...sape plak yang bergelar celah bedah?huhu
ok disini ade pic aim elyana n candy..
tq to candy n pihak maestro..kerana sudi menempah baju candy kat saya...

elyana in my goddes couture...

ok nantikan part 2 celah bedah gan hipokrit....apa aku merepek nih??? huhuhu
daaaaaaa take care..
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