im so bored!!!! huhuhu enjoy it!!!

1. Story behind your MySpace song?
myspace ade lagu kaer izinkan ku pergi tapi dia dah delete kot dah tak leh dengar..

2. Whats bothering you right now?
nak pegi la queen malam ni sape nak ikut..berape buge..pakai baju apa..rambut camner..ekekeke

3. Do you close the door when you pee?
gila tutup la dah kenapa???


4. Wallet?
i just bought new wallet its PRADA....brown colr..wallet panjang tau kan??

5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop?
gamba my colection dilla model dia..

6. Background on your cell phone?
gamba gan jimmy my beloved one...

7. Jewelry worn daily?
rantai Z i dan loket K yang jimmy him so much..i must wear it evrytime i pegi mana2...

8. Where your default picture in myspace was taken?
kat prees conference project runway malaysia..its also our work room tempat kiteorang menjahit..

9. Eye color?
black je kot?? kalau nak color pakai lens ma...

10. Life:
ermmm so bored right now..ingat nak jadi lecturer part time kat lim kok wing ke mana2 ke yanga de offer...

11. House:
my house is my showroom..heheh kat shah alam..umah biasa jer...datang la nak datang..duduk gan my mum...


12. Doing this weekend?
ooo ahad ni nak g mandi air terjun ramai2....hehehe jom?? berpicnic sambil makan2..

13. Wearing?
plain tshirt gan boxer biru jalur2..huhuhuh

ermmmm on air project runway malaysia..hehehe

15. Where are you?
dalam my room...shah alam

16. Listening to?
takde ape senyap je..malas nak bukak lagu...

17. Have you ever hugged or kissed anyone lately?
Hugged: jimmy. Kissed: jimmy gak semalam...lepas kiss mesti hug..hehhe

18. What do you smell like?
love spell victoria secret...

19. Eating?
nothing skang ni tengah diet..tak makan nasi langsung..last makan semalam kat pelita ampang..tose jer...

20. Besides your bed, what is your favorite things?
handphone la...

21. Do you believe in a soul mate?

22.Do you sleep naked?
jarang sangat..tengok dengan siapa la...hahaha

23. Do you remember your dreams?
tak la rasanya lama dah tak mimpi tido mati penat sangat...

24. Do you believe dreams come true?
yeah i belive..banyak yang my dream dah come true pun...alhamdulillah..

25. Do you believe in miracles?

26. Do you burn easily in the sun?
tah la tapi mesti cepat hitam kalau kat pantai...

27. Do you speak another language other than English?
yes malay gan french...

28. What's something you wish you could understand better?

29. What did you do last weekend?
ermmm tak ingat la..keluar kot gan jimmy ermm

30. Who do you miss?
i miss the time macam dulu with my fwen ed..i dont know y jadi camni..
i miss jimmy 2...
i miss my lecturer..cik kalsom..i miss nak pergi class...huhuhu hang around masa kat uitm dulu...

31. Have you ever been in a car crash?
Pernah. awal tahun kot..tak pasal2 kena baya keta org tu rm1200....menangis!!!

32. Orange or apple juice?
erm skang ni i gila minum peel fresh oren everyday...

33. Who were the last people you went somewhere with?
keluar gan jimmy semalam tengok love is cinta kat klcc...

34. What was the last text message you received?
'dia charge tak lebih seratus kan?? tuk rambut gan make up? kalau yes mekyah on confirm'
kakak jimmy yang hanta...

35. Last text message you sent?
"tido lagi?? huhuh dah makan sayang?"
anta kat jimmy..

36. Last time you ate a home grown tomato?
pernah ker???sume makan dari giant or tesco jer..hahahha

37. What is the closest thing to you that is blue?
bantal i warna biru...

38. What was the last thing you ate?

40. Whose house did you go to last night?
anta jimmy kat ampang....umah sewa dia..

41. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
lupa la...siapa yek?? ermmm zhaf kot kat sjmc..gan nik

42. Do you like someone right now?
yah of corse jimmy...i love him so much!! what u aspect???

43. What do you wear more, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants?
haiyo..jeans la..

44. What is the last movie you watched?
love is cinta jugak.... gan jimmy

45. Have you ever heard of the band Sweet Gardentak.

46. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
baju tido ni..kamdar sajork....

47. Coach or NFL game tickets?
apakah itu??

48. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
sayang dia ma.....takde org lain yang i sayang macam sayang jimmy...

49. Do you believe that you can change someone?

50. Do you want someone you can't have?
ade kot..tak terfikir plak....ramai jugak..hahaha

eh dah habis..huhuhuhuh ermm enjoy la...baca...


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