I am in love, love, L.O.V.E with neons {already done a full fledged post on it}. They call to me like no other colour has ever. But, for all my neon loving, I don't have the style guts to wear a head-to-toe neon. Since I can't avoid the neon bug, I opt to style my look with bright and bold neon accessories.
Creating a collage with two of my latest obsessions-neon accessories and Roksanda Ilincic Ivory Cotton Crepe Dress {and inspired by backstage images from Jason Wu Spring/Summer 2012 collection}- this look is my submission for Indian Fashion Bloggers 'InFB Remix - Neon'.

I had great time creating this collage. In fact it is one of my fave ones. Let me know what you think of it.
Till then, tra-la,
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