A New Beginning....

Resolutions are not my thing. I can't keep them, follow them or abide by them. But, on the other hand we all need to have goals in our lives; without them its hard to get somewhere if you don't know where you're going.

Lucky for me, Independent Fashion Blogger's new project-"IFB PROJECT #28: Create A Motivation Mood Board"- got me to think what I want form 2012 and how am I going to achieve it. It set me on a path to find my goals, object, dreams, plans,aspiration...

My collage literally is a 'mood' board. It perfectly captures my mood and communicates my emotions and hopes for the new year. It helped me visualize all that I wanna achieve for myself and my baby:my blog, 'Fashionopolis'.

For once in my life, I am starting the new year off with setting goals(not resolutions) for myself.

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."

So do you have a New Years resolution? Or are you going with the flow? Do share your hopes and aspiration for 2012 with me in the comment section.

Till then, tra-la,

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email- a.fashionopolis@gmail.com

{The collage is my submission for "IFB PROJECT #28: Create A Motivation Mood Board". Let me know if you like it. And have these words and images inspired you as they inspires me.}


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