im came back ..
ermmm lama dah tak tulis kat blog ni..tah ape jadi tah..
n..it was a long time that macam2 berlaku jugak....im now in my final semester in my degree of fashion desin..im finish it by mei insyaallah...
ermmm n guess what..I GOT THE PROJECT RUNWAY MALAYSIA FINALIST......!!!!
memang menarik sangat n i was shocked too...terkejut giler..sebab harapan sangatlah tipis...saingan hebat2 belaka...hehheeh..
n now im in the top 12 or 15 pun tak tau lagi....
hehhhe suka bangat..
n there r 5 person from uitm..include me...nizam, hatta, khari, n jezmine...
wish me luck....n dont forget my show 19 mei 2007....@ uitm..faculty of art n design....with my theme THE CONTEMPORARY KURUNG EXOTICA....
im came back ..
ermmm lama dah tak tulis kat blog ni..tah ape jadi tah..
n..it was a long time that macam2 berlaku jugak....im now in my final semester in my degree of fashion desin..im finish it by mei insyaallah...
ermmm n guess what..I GOT THE PROJECT RUNWAY MALAYSIA FINALIST......!!!!
memang menarik sangat n i was shocked too...terkejut giler..sebab harapan sangatlah tipis...saingan hebat2 belaka...hehheeh..
n now im in the top 12 or 15 pun tak tau lagi....
hehhhe suka bangat..
n there r 5 person from uitm..include me...nizam, hatta, khari, n jezmine...
wish me luck....n dont forget my show 19 mei 2007....@ uitm..faculty of art n design....with my theme THE CONTEMPORARY KURUNG EXOTICA....
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