Ayu Chan Engagement..

sape fanatik PROJECT RUNWAY MALAYSIA mesti ingat sape AYU CHAN...hehe salah sorang model dalam prm tau..hehe ayu masa tu terkeluar ermm i pun tak ingat masa designer mana keluar...hehe tapi nama dia sebaris model2 lain macam arina, dilla etc...hehe

on 18 jan..Ayu membuat majlis pertunangannya di rumah...so she decide to wearing my design...on that day...ayu came to me dalam akhir bulan 12 nak buat baju ni..dia nak color theme baby blue n baby pink...simple baju kurung modern with buble sleeve...n cuff....with long selendang...

Ayu di make up oleh syed vass...hehe this the closer at the baju..frech lace with beading..n swarozki daimond..

Ayu yang sangat ayu....hehhehe

i was so suprise that the combination these color memang stand out..lawa n cute..simple n nice...

jangan marah ok..bertunang pun ada pelamin ok..grand tau...pelamin duduk..simple but nice with freash flower orkid n harum sundal malam..

pose sebelum bakal mak mertua datang menyarungkan cincin..hehehe..

the team yang datang..me n syed, zuhairy, ed n kheme..

ayu bertunang malam...tq ayu 4 ur trusting me to give me design for ur special day...ermm kawin jagan lupa tau..hehe kita buat grand lagi..hehe..n nasi minyak malam tu sangat lah sedap wahai ci ayu..sebab kiteorg lapa kot huhuhu..with rendang daging, ayam goreng, pecal, kurma daging, acar buah uhh sedap......yum..yum...

oh 1 more thing tq 4 the goody bag..pink n polka dot.....hehe so sweet..hehehee

take care..bye..



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